Q-Parts - ADV Rear Hinge Spindle Assembly
Q-Parts - ADV Rear Hinge Spindle Assembly

Q-Parts - ADV Rear Hinge Spindle Assembly

  • Producator: BROMPTON
  • Cod produs: Q102708 (D)
  • Disponibilitate: 4



Advance Rear Hinge Spindle Assembly

The Brompton Advance rear hinge wears over time due to the frequent folding of the bike and the action of the suspension.
This kit allows you to service the Advance rear hinge on a T Line or P Line Brompton.  

Weight                From 0.04 lb
Compatibility       P & T Line

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La Vita e Velo, magazin de biciclete.

Unic importator Brompton, Brooks, Pashley și Electra în România

București showroom: str. Ion Ghica, nr. 4 (Universitate)
